Belgium, Brussels
EURADA, the Association of Regional Development Agencies, is a non profit-making organisation aiming at promoting regional economic development through dialogue with European Institutions, interchange of good practices among members, transnational co-operation among members.
EURADA gathers around 150 development agencies from 26 European countries.
EURADA represents the interests of all organisations that work with public sector participation to implement programmes for regional economic development in the European Union. It exists to serve the needs of its members: identifying and promoting best practice in economic development, representing members' interests with the European Commission and the key organisations within it or associated with it, helping its members to work more effectively by brokering partnerships and helping to foster cross-border business, and maintaining strong international links outside the European Union to bring global best practices to further enhance the capabilities of its members.
EURADA is an independent organisation, financed directly by the subscriptions of its members. It receives no government nor EU subsidies, and is therefore always free to pursue the best interests of its members. It runs a full programme of seminars and conferences, and keeps its members up to date with news of policy developments, events and business opportunities through Eurada-News and the eReminder electronic magazine.
EURADA - European Association of Development Agencies
Mr Christian Saublens & Mrs Rossana Scaricabarozzi
Avenue des Arts 12
B - 1210 Brussels
Phone: +
Fax: +